Fees for Common Services
Preventive Care Services
If you are enrolled in UC SHIP, there are many preventive care services for which you have no copayment and/or no coinsurance payment responsibility. Please refer to the UC SHIP benefit booklet for services that are considered preventive care and, therefore, are not subject to a copayment and/or coinsurance payment.
If you are NOT enrolled in UC SHIP, then you are responsible for payment of the entire fee related to any service rendered at SHC. However, you may seek reimbursement from your health insurance carrier. Please note that managed care/HMO insurance plans (e.g., Kaiser, Medi-Cal/Cal-Optima, Sutter Health, Blue Shield HMO, other HMO’s) will likely NOT reimburse you for non-urgent, routine and/or preventive care services.
Payment for Services
If you are a registered UC Irvine student, no payment is necessary at the time you are seen. Your student account will be billed. There is no processing fee for charges that are transferred to your campus student billing account. Visit Zot Account Online.
- SHIP students: Your Zot Account will be charged for any office visit copays and/or coinsurance for which you are responsible after the insurance carrier pays its portion to SHC. This process may take up to 2-3 weeks following your date of service.
- Non-SHIP students: • Non-SHIP registered students are considered “Fee-for-Service”. Your Zot Account will be charged immediately for any charges that you incur related to your visit. SHC does not bill any insurance carrier other than SHIP. You may obtain an itemized billing statement online through the Student Health My Student Chart and submit a claim to your insurance carrier for potential reimbursement. Please contact your health insurance carrier as SHC cannot estimate the amount of reimbursement, if any, that your carrier will provide to you.
- Non-Registered Students: Non-registered students (e.g., Extension students) do not have a campus billing account. Therefore, payment for services rendered are due at time of service and are paid at the SHC cashier window in the lobby immediately following your visit. Payment can be made by check or credit card (Visa/Mastercard/Discover/AMEX).
- Faculty/Staff: Payment for services rendered are due at time of service and are paid at the SHC cashier window in the lobby. Payment can be made by check or credit card (Visa/Mastercard/Discover/AMEX). SHC does not bill 3rd party insurance plans for medical services with the exception of Pharmacy prescriptions.
Fees for Missed or Canceled Appointments
In order to mitigate the problems created when many appointments go unused if students fail to come to their medical and mental health appointments, a fee is charged for missed appointments or appointments canceled with less than twenty-four (24) hours notice. In addition to the fee for a missed or canceled appointment, students will also be charged the cost associated with any special drug or other perishable medical supply item that was scheduled to be used during their appointment but cannot be returned to inventory.
Students have the right to appeal these fees and should contact the SHC Billing Department at (949) 824-7084 or by email at shc-billing@uci.edu for information and instructions regarding the appeal process.
For Emergencies Call 911
Student Health
501 Student Health
Irvine, California 92697-5200
Fax: (949) 824-3033
Mail Zot Code: #5200
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday;
Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Dental Clinic
500 East Peltason Drive
Irvine, California 92697-5203
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday
Closed 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.