
If you are ready to upload and input your
vaccination records please log into My Student Chart:

For instructions on how to upload your immunization records watch or read:

UC Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Requirement

All new incoming UCI students must complete a TB Screen Risk Form. This form can be found in My Student Chart under Medical Clearances. After answering the TB Screen Risk Form, review Medical Clearances for additional requirements added based on your responses.

Written Instructions:

  1. Log into My Student Chart with UCI Net ID
  2. Fill out your birthdate
  3. On Home Page, “View My Compliances”
  4. Click “Update” button next to Immunization Record Upload and upload your record in jpg, png, pdf format.
  5. Once complete, move on to “updating individual vaccinations.” Imput date and type of vaccination received. This information can be found on the immunization record that you just uploaded.
  6.  Next fill out the TB Risk form and return to the “Immunization and Health Clearance” page. If a new clearance called TB Test appears, you must fulfill a TB scan or blood test.
  7. There are 2 vaccinations that are optional: Covid 19 annual and Influenza Annual. If you have received these immunizations, you may imput them the same way as all of the other vaccinations. If you do not have or want these immunizations, click the Request an Exemption button and fill out the information.
  8. If you still need help with becoming compliant after doing all of the above, please schedule an appointment to visit our Vaccine Clinic.

Where To Get Your Vaccines:

Schedule an Appointment at the UCI Student Health Center:

Location: Student Health Center 1

To better serve your vaccine needs, we have partnered with Albertsons and Ralphs to have vaccines available to you without having to leave our Campus. Click on the Date that works best for your schedule. The clinic is located on the 1st Floor in the Division of Continuing Education lobby.

Note: The pharmacy clinics are accessible, on campus, typically in the Fall quarter. Please refer to our events calendar for available dates.  

Pharmacy Clinics-What to Do on The Day of Your Vaccine:

Walk-in to the Continuing Education Building 1st Floor Lobby for your scheduled appointment.

The clinic should be able to take walk-in students, but you may have to wait a little bit.
Click this link for directions to the Continuing Education Building Vaccine Clinic location:

It is on the 1st (bottom) Floor Lobby area

Other Important Tips:
You should know the vaccines that you require ahead of time.
If you are not sure, check if your State Registry may have your records.

Go to the last folder “How to Obtain Copies of Your Immunization Records.”
Remember to take a picture of your VACCINE CONSENT FORM to include:
Your name and birthdate.
The date and vaccines you received.
Upload through My Student Chart button at the top of this page. Refer to the video and instructions on How to Upload Vaccines.

After your shots:
You may experience mild reactions such as pain at the injection site, a rash or a fever. These reactions are normal and will soon go away. These tips will help you identify and minimize mild side effects:

  • Read the Vaccine Information Sheet(s) to learn about side effects
  • Use a cool, damp cloth to reduce redness, soreness and/or swelling
  • Reduce fever with a lukewarm water sponge bath
  • Drink liquids more often. It is normal to feel like you want to eat less during the 24 hours after getting vaccines.
  • Take a non-aspirin pain reliever ready if needed.

Before arriving to the Student Health Center (Building 5 on the campus map):

 If you will be driving:

  • Park in front of the SHC, parking lot 19A.
  • Register your parking space, color and make of your vehicle in the lobby, when you enter our building.
  • Use the Self-Check-In iPad to check in for your appointment or check in with the front desk.
  • Your name will be called when a nurse is ready for you.

If you’ll be walking:

  • Use the Self-Check-In iPad to check in for your appointment or check in with the front desk.
  • Your name will be called when a nurse is ready for you.

If you’re arriving by mobility devices such as a bicycle, E-scooter, E-bike, or skateboard:

  • Use the bike rack, in front of SHC, to lock your mobility device.
  • Mobility devices such as bicycles, E-scooters, E-bikes, skateboards, and etc., are not permitted inside the building.

Student Health Center will accept walk-in appointments, based on availability. An appointment is encouraged by calling (949) 824-5304 or scheduling from your My Student Chart.

  • Please check-in 10 minutes before your appointment time.
  • Bring a photo ID.
  • Ensure your vaccination record has been uploaded to your My Student Chart.

Complete your Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines for Adult questionnaire, found in your My Student Chart.

  • Fasting is not required to receive your vaccines.
  • If you do not have UC SHIP, and are a registered student, you can still receive vaccines at the Student Health Center or a SHC vaccine clinic on campus
    • (i.e., flu and Covid) but you will be responsible for the fee, which will be billed to your ZOT account. You can then attempt to seek reimbursement from your outside (non-SHIP) plan. Please reach out to your outside health insurance plan for more details. For those non-SHIP students, other vendor vaccine clinics (i.e., Ralph’s, CVS, Walgreens, etc.) offer vaccination services but those respective clinics would determine eligibility based on your outside insurance plan.
  • If you do not have UC SHIP, and do not want to pay out of pocket, please contact your Insurance and Healthcare Provider
    • Many doctor’s offices offer vaccines for their patients, but appointments are usually required
  • The cost of the Meningococcal (Bexero) vaccine is $325 PER dose for Non-UC SHIP Students and there are 2 doses in the series, along with a $50 administration fee per dose.
  • The cost of HPV is $333 PER dose for Non-UC SHIP Students and there are 3 doses in the series, plus a $50 administration fee per dose.

Most chain and independent pharmacies provide vaccines, and below is a list of those located in the Irvine area. Appointments are often required.

More Information:

For students who have UC-SHIP:

    • Vaccines and TB testing are covered 100%. There is no office visit copay or coinsurance required, and referrals are not required.
    • A referral is needed if you obtain your immunizations/TB testing at a Non-SHIP covered clinic
      • For example, a pharmacy “Minute Clinic”
      • Referrals must be submitted via My Student Chart:
      • On the portal homepage, Go to “Messages”
      • Select “New Message”
      • Select “SHC – Insurance: Referral Request and Other General Inquiries”
      • To send documents securely to Insurance Services, please upload the document(s) on My Student Chart
      • Go to “Clearances/Uploads”
      • Select “SHC Insurance Department”

      For students who have Non-SHIP Health Insurance:

All new incoming UCI students must complete a TB Screen Risk Form. This form can be found in the My Student Chart under Medical Clearances. After answering the TB Screen Risk Form, review Medical Clearances for additional requirements added based on your responses.

Based on your response to the TB Screen Risk Form, you may need to complete several additional requirements.

  • Tuberculosis Testing: You can complete this requirement by uploading results for one TB skin test or one TB blood test (T-spot or Quantiferon Gold) performed within one year of the first date of instruction. A chest x-ray will not fulfill your TB test requirement.  If needed, schedule an appointment for TB blood testing through your Student Health Portal.  Do not upload results for lab testing performed at the Student Health Center.  Your records will automatically be updated once results return.
  • TB Clearance Assessment & TB Nurse Review: These requirements can be completed by uploading a completed TB Health Assessment Form.  The TB Health Assessment form is to be completed by your primary care provider.  If completing Section B, your provider must complete all 4 sections.  Don’t forget to upload a radiology report for a chest x-ray performed within one year of the first date of instruction.  Allow 3 to 5 business days for a nurse to review your form.

Students who do not show risk factors for TB as indicated by their responses on the High-Risk TB Screening Questionnaire are not required to complete/submit a TB Health Assessment Form to the Student Health Center.

However, if your responses on the High-Risk TB Screening Questionnaire show you to be at higher risk, you will need to have further testing completed by your Primary Care Provider or other licensed healthcare provider.

  • Download the TB Health Assessment Form and take it to your Primary Care Provider or other licensed healthcare provider who is unrelated to you.
  • Once any additional TB testing is complete and your physician or other licensed healthcare provider has determined that you are free of active TB, your provider must Complete and Sign the form.
  • Log on to the secure My Student Chart and upload the Completed and Signed TB Health Assessment Form for submission to SHC.

Please click here for more information about the UC TB Policy

1. Proof of Flu Vaccination or Declination for Covered Individuals. On or before November 1st each year, students who are living, learning, or working on campus or on premises at any University facility (“Covered Individuals”) must:

  • receive education concerning influenza vaccine; and
  • receive or affirmatively decline influenza vaccination, as further described below. Exemptions are unnecessary and need not be requested since a student may decline the flu vaccination.

2. Vaccination

  • On-Site Vaccination: Vaccination on-site is available at any University location (e.g., UCI Student Health Center; UCI Health Clinics including Gottschalk Medical Plaza and other UCI affiliated clinics).
  • Off-Site Vaccination: Students may receive a flu vaccination at numerous clinical sites located off-campus  (e.g., at a private health care provider’s office, local pharmacy, public health clinic, or during a vaccine fair). UCI Student Health Center is the Location Vaccine Authority for UCI students.
  • To meet the Seasonal Flu requirement, vaccines must be received on or after August 1st . Flu vaccinations from the prior flu season will NOT be considered.
  • Flu Vaccines are available through the Student Health Center, and students are encouraged to make an appointment online at the Student Health My Student Chart or call the SHC appointment line at (949) 824-5304. There is no out-of-pocket cost for the flu vaccine for students who are covered by UC SHIP. For “non-SHIP” students, the cost is $40.00. There are additional fees if you receive other vaccines during the same visit.  “Non-SHIP” students who are enrolled in ACA-compliant health plans may be able to submit a claim for full reimbursement of charges related to preventative care services. “Non-SHIP” students enrolled in HMO, Medi-Cal, Medi-Cal HMO and similar plans (e.g., Kaiser, Sutter Health, Cal Optima, etc…) are unlikely to receive reimbursement and should always check with their plan before receiving ANY services ay Student Health Center.

3. Flu Vaccination Declination

Students who choose to decline influenza vaccination must complete and submit the Vaccine Declination Letter on or before November 1st. Students should upload the Vaccine Declination Letter to the Student Health Patient Portal prior to the November 1st deadline.

A Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) is a document, produced by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), that informs vaccine recipients – or their parents or legal representatives – about the benefits and risks of a vaccine they are receiving. As a patient, you should receive a VIS from your provider for each vaccine that has been recommended for you prior to receiving the vaccine. Please visit the CDC website for the Vaccine Information Statement pertaining to the specific vaccine that you will be receiving (CDC Vaccine Information Statements) as well as additional information (CDC VIS Information).

Your vaccination or immunization record provides a history of all vaccines you received as a child and adult. This may be a “yellow card”, a paper file from your primary care provider, or a record from your previous high school or college.

Immunization Record History Example California Immunization School Record Example

If you do not have a copy of your immunization records please contact your primary care physician, childhood pediatrician, or previous high school or college to request these records. You will need these records to update your health data in the My Student Chart, which will help you to meet the clearance requirement.


Immunization Registries:

Another potential source for obtaining copies of your immunization records is your State Immunization Registry, which are secure computer systems that store immunization records.

CAIR Logo California Digital Vaccine Record Logo

Below are several state-specific resources:

Call: (866) 397-0337

Call: (800) 933-4832
Fax: (808) 586-8347

Call: (800) 348-9158

NEW YORK (except New York City)
Call: (518) 473-4437

Call: (347) 396-2400

Call: (609) 826-4860


Once you have your immunization and TB records please upload them directly into your SHC electronic health record via the My Student Chart by following the instructions here: How to upload your records

If you experience problems related to uploading your records, please visit the My Student Chart and follow these instructions to send a message:

  • Click on “Messages”
  • Click on “New Message”
  • Select “I would like to send a CLINICAL secure message to the Student Health Center
  • Select “New Student Immunization Requirement” and Click “Continue”
  • Compose your message and click on “Send”. You should receive a response within 3-5 business days.

For general information and questions related to Student Health, please visit the FAQ page.

Even if your childhood vaccinations were received outside the US, we want to be sure you get credit for each of them! Vaccination and TB testing records need to be translated in English. Enter them into your My Student Chart by following the directions.

Immunization Compliance 2025

  • Yes, to comply with the NEW UC Policy requirements, ALL students, staff, and faculty will need to have the 2024-2025 COVID-19 Vaccine.
  • Unfortunately, all previously received COVID-19 vaccines and Boosters received prior to September 2024 do not qualify, and your status will be seen as “Not Compliant”.
  • The Deadline for receiving the NEW COVID-19 vaccine is by December 6th, 2025.
  • The 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine is available at the UCI-Student Health Center.  You can book your appointments using the My Student Chart button above.
  • Vaccine appointments can also be scheduled with our UCI Campus Albertsons and Ralphs Vaccine clinics, see “Where to Go For Vaccines” above for details.
  • Yes, to comply with the NEW UC Policy requirements, ALL students, staff, and faculty will need to have the 2024-2025 COVID-19 Vaccine.
  • Unfortunately, all previously received COVID-19 vaccines and Boosters received prior to September 2024 do not qualify, and your status will be seen as “Not Compliant”.
  • The Deadline for receiving the NEW COVID-19 vaccine is by December 6th, 2025.
  • The 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine is available at the UCI-Student Health Center.  You can book your appointments using the My Student Chart button above.
  • Vaccine appointments can also be scheduled with our UCI Campus Albertsons and Ralphs Vaccine clinics, see “Where to Go For Vaccines” above for details.
  • With over 13,000 students starting with us this Fall, the vaccine compliance module does take some time to update.
  •  Complete our new and improved annual COVID-19 and annual Influenza vaccine declinations from your Student Health Portal. You will need to submit a declination, each year.
  • Many college campuses have seen a dramatic surge in COVID cases amongst newly entering students, and if the numbers increase here at UCI, you may want to reconsider receiving the NEW COVID-19 vaccine for better protection.

Students seeking a Medical Exemption or Declination must submit a request via the Student Health Patient Portal no later than the compliance deadline dates. Exemption requests are unnecessary for the flu and COVID vaccines as students may submit a declination letter.

Are you awaiting a decision for a submitted MEDICAL EXEMPTION or VACCINE DECLINATION?

  • No – I don’t know how to do that
  • Yes
    • Have you received a response from the Student Health Center requesting more information?
      • No
        • Please check your emails and Student Health My Student Chart for messages regarding the status of your request.
        • If there is nothing, please contact the Student Health Center by Phone: (949) 824-4348 or Email:
      • Yes
        • Have you checked your student health portal “Medical Clearances” section to be sure this has not already been approved?
          • No
            • Please check your Student Health My Student Chart and click on “Medical Clearances”
          • Yes

Medical Exemption may be considered for students with medical conditions which may be contraindications for the following required vaccines:

  • MMR
  • Varicella
  • Tetanus/Pertussis
  • Meningococcal ACWY

DECLINATION may be submitted for the following vaccines, without the need for a Medical Exemption request:

  • COVID-19
  • Influenza

Remote Learning forms may be submitted for students who are currently off campus for their studies and will not be on campus for any reason.

If you intend to submit a request, please click on the form below that corresponds to the specific exemption or declination that you are requesting. The submission of a request is completed online via the My Student Chart.

Overview of the process:

  1. Download the fillable request form. Links to the forms appear below on this webpage and they are also available on the My Student Chart.
  2. Complete and sign the applicable form.
    * Note that the medical exemption form must be completed and signed by an approved health care provider.
  3. Upload the completed form to the My Student Chart.
  4. for appropriate review and processing.

Review of Exemption/Declination Requests

  1. Medical Exemptions will be reviewed by the SHC Medical Director.
  2. Declinations will be AUTO-APPROVED if all information is entered correctly.
  3. Remote Learning requests will be reviewed and confirmed with Registrar.


* For questions regarding the exemptions process, please send a secure message on the My Student Chart.

to “Immunization Exemption/Deferral Request Inquiry”. A SHC nurse will respond to your inquiry within 3-5 business days.

If you intend to submit a request, please click on the form below that corresponds to the specific exemption or declination that you are requesting. The submission of a request is completed online via the My Student Chart.

Overview of the process:

  1. Download the fillable request form. Links to the forms appear below on this webpage and they are also available on the My Student Chart.
  2. Complete and sign the applicable form.
    * Note that the medical exemption form must be completed and signed by an approved health care provider.
  3. Upload the completed form to the My Student Chart.
  4.  for appropriate review and processing.

Review of Exemption/Declination Requests

  1. Medical Exemptions will be reviewed by the SHC Medical Director.
  2. Declinations will be AUTO-APPROVED if all information is entered correctly.
  3. Remote Learning requests will be reviewed and confirmed with Registrar.


* For questions regarding the exemptions process, please send a secure message on the My Student Chart.

Students who show risk factors for TB as indicated by their responses on the High Risk TB Screening Questionnaire (which you can find above in “More Information” UC Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Requirement) are required to complete/submit a TB Health Assessment Form to the Student Health Center.

Have you answered the TB (Tuberculosis) Screening Questions?

  • No – I don’t know how to do that
  • Yes
    • Is your TB Screen – Risk Form “COMPLIANT” under Clearance in the Portal?
      • Yes – You are COMPLIANT for TB (Tuberculosis)
      • No
        • Were you directed to get Blood Tested or a Chest X-ray
          • No
          • Yes
            • Have you been Blood Tested for TB or had a Chest X-ray recently?
              • No
                • Please follow the instructions you were provided to have your blood drawn or Chest X-Ray performed.
              • Yes

To comply with the current UC Immunization Policy, all UCI students (new and returning) are required to receive the most recent COVID-19 Vaccine, available after August 22, 2024. All previously received COVID-19 vaccines, Bivalent Boosters, and Internationally received vaccines will NOT qualify, and your status will be Non-compliant in your Student Health My Student Chart.

Click below for more information:

For those students with a medical or other reason not to receive the NEW COVID-19 vaccine, there is a declination process now in place

Early symptoms may be nonspecific, such as: Fever, body aches or chills, scratchy throat, mild stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite, loss of smell.

People who have symptoms should stay home, wear a mask, and get tested, and contact their healthcare provider for advice.
Students with UC SHIP should contact the Student Health Center at (949) 824-5304 to schedule an appointment with a provider.

Students without the UC SHIP insurance plan should contact their own Primary Care Provider for clinical issues and support.

  1. Notify your Primary Care Provider so that they are aware and may recommend specific care based on your personal medical history. Follow up for any worsening symptoms or concerns that may develop.
  2. Stay home if you have symptoms, until you have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication AND symptoms are improving.​
  • ​​​​​​​​​If you do not have symptoms, you should follow the recommendations below to reduce exposure to others.
  1. Avoid contact with others, especially people at higher-risk 
    • This includes the elderly
    • Those who live in congregate care facilities
    • Those who have immunocompromising conditions
  2. If you are a UCI student employee, check with your supervisor regarding the specific details about when to return to work.
  3. If you are a Health Science student (Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy) on rotation at the Medical Center, see Return to Clinical Rotation guidelines below.

There are currently no masking requirements on campus, however mask wearing may be an especially good precaution for anyone who is at higher risk for getting very sick from respiratory illnesses, has a history of breathing/lung issues, or has environmental exposures.  ​Click here for the recommended CDPH masking guidelines.

Health Science students (Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy) on rotation at the Medical Center are required to follow the masking guidelines below.

Health Science students on clinical rotation are considered Healthcare personnel and should follow recommendations as set forth in AFL 21-08 (

Notify your supervisor of your symptoms and do not go to the clinical site.
Perform an at-home COVID-19 antigen test or follow up with a primary care provider to obtain a COVID-19 PCR test.

If you have a negative test:

Follow up with your primary care provider on when you can return to rotation.

If you have a positive test:

Report online using the Occupational Health COVID-19 intake form
Occupational Health will advise employee/manager on return-to-work protocols.

Those returning between days 5-9 after meeting routine criteria should wear a fit-tested N95 for source control through at least day 10 from symptoms onset or positive test.

Weekly COVID-19 testing is not required for non-vaccinated students living, learning and/or working on campus including students who previously received an approved exemption, exception or deferral.

Students, faculty, and staff can pick up rapid antigen at-home test kits free of charge at the following campus locations:

The purpose of the UCOP Vaccination policy is to facilitate protection of the health and safety of the University community, including its patients as well as its Students, Personnel and all others who work, live, and/or learn in any of the University’s Locations or otherwise participate in person in University Programs.

The University strongly recommends that all members of the University community follow vaccine recommendations adopted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) applicable to their age, medical condition, and other relevant indications.

For Emergencies Call 911

Student Health

501 Student Health

Irvine, California 92697-5200


(949) 824-5301

Fax: (949) 824-3033

Mail Zot Code: #5200


8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday;

Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Cancel an Appointment:
(949) 824‑5304

(949) 824-5923

Dental Clinic

500 East Peltason Drive

Irvine, California 92697-5203


(949) 824-5307 /

(949) 824-2574



8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday

Closed 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.