
For appointments and records please log into the My Student Chart:


Our Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) at SHC provides medical nutrition therapy for UCI students. MNT services are scheduled through the Student Health Center. However, your appointment with the RDNs for MNT services may occur either via telehealth or at the Center for Student Wellness, Health and Health Promotion (CSWHP), depending upon your appointment date/time. If you wish to communicate with the RDNs (or another member of our medical team) regarding a non-urgent matter related to your health care, please login to the My Student Chart which is a secure online portal that provides secure messaging. This is the only method that you should use for communication with a provider. Reminder: E-mail is not a secure form of communications regarding your health care. Our providers are advised
NOT to communicate with patients using regular email.

Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) is a therapeutic approach to treating medical conditions and their associated symptoms via the use of a specifically tailored diet devised and monitored by a physician or registered dietitian nutritionist. MNT can help you with a variety of conditions including eating disorders, pre-diabetes/diabetes, elevated cholesterol and blood pressure, digestive disorders, and weight management. Our Eating Disorder Treatment Team meets monthly and includes a physician, registered dietitian, psychiatrist, and social worker who work together to coordinate the care of our students with eating disorders. In addition, we work closely with the Counseling Center or SHC staff to refer students to psychologists/therapists in the community who have special expertise with these conditions.

Yes, to determine medical necessity/diagnosis and to ensure coverage by health insurance.

MNT is covered by most health insurance plans if deemed to be medically necessary. Students without SHIP pay the full cost of their visit and treatments at SHC and the corresponding charges are sent directly to your campus billing account. You may obtain a copy of an itemized statement of your charges and receipt to submit to your own non-SHIP insurance carrier for possible reimbursement. Click here. for fees for the most common services at SHC including MNT and for instructions on how to obtain a copy of an itemized statement of your charges and receipt of payment. Note that HMO plans typically will not reimburse you for care that you receive at SHC or at other providers outside of the HMO network without prior authorization

Initial sessions are typically 60 minutes in length. Follow-up sessions are typically 30 minutes in length. Call (949) 824-5304 to schedule an appointment.

Free nutrition education sessions are also available by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at UCI’s Center for Student Wellness & Health Promotion (CSWHP) on a variety of topics including: general nutrition, food label reading, healthy eating on a budget, sports nutrition, body image, and weight management.

Sessions are one hour in length. Email Jody Margolis, MS, RDN directly at to schedule an appointment at CSWHP for free nutrition education sessions. Please do not provide any personal medical information in your email request.

No charge applies to nutrition education services at CSWHP.

No referral is necessary for nutrition education services at CSWHP.

For Emergencies Call 911

Student Health

501 Student Health

Irvine, California 92697-5200


(949) 824-5301

Fax: (949) 824-3033

Mail Zot Code: #5200


8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday;

Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Cancel an Appointment:
(949) 824‑5304

(949) 824-5923

Dental Clinic

500 East Peltason Drive

Irvine, California 92697-5203


(949) 824-5307 /

(949) 824-2574



8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday

Closed 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.