
For Prescription Refill Request please log into My Student Chart:

Services & Info

Ask your provider to send your prescriptions to:

UCI Student Health Center Pharmacy
501 Student Health, Pereira & E. Peltason
Irvine, CA 92697

Need Assistance?

  • Already filling prescriptions with us?
  • Want to transfer your prescription from another pharmacy?
  • Need your medications mailed?

No problem! Simply log in to your My Student Chart and fill out the request form.

For any additional questions, our team is here to help!
Please call (949) 824-5923 or send us a secure message in your My Student Chart.

SHC Pharmacy does carry a limited stock of over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceutical products. Since service to our customers is one of our primary pharmacy directives, we will always attempt to adjust product availability. For a current list of Over-the-Counter products available at SHC Pharmacy and related prices, see Fees for Common Services. The list of products and related prices are subject to change without notice.

UCI Student Health Center Pharmacy now offers prescription medication delivery by mail

To request your prescription medication to be mailed, please log into your My Student Chart and fill out the request form

Please make sure to fill out the complete mailing address including apartment number, city, and zip code

Delivery time typically takes 2 to 3 business day and depends on your geological area

Please register with Fedex to track your delivery and ensure you are present to receive your prescription delivery. In case of loss that is not Fedex’s fault, there could be an additional charge, which could be up to the full cash price (without insurance), to replace your prescription.

Please note that certain types of prescription medications do not qualify for this mode of delivery 

      • Controlled prescriptions
      • Prescription that requires you to take as soon as possible per your provider’s instruction
      • Prescription that has time pickup limit.
      • Addresses outside the State of California

For Emergencies Call 911

Student Health

501 Student Health

Irvine, California 92697-5200


(949) 824-5301

Fax: (949) 824-3033

Mail Zot Code: #5200


8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday;

Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Cancel an Appointment:
(949) 824‑5304

(949) 824-5923

Dental Clinic

500 East Peltason Drive

Irvine, California 92697-5203


(949) 824-5307 /

(949) 824-2574



8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday

Closed 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.